清华大学等离子体物理 20讲

清华大学等离子体物理 20讲
  #     文件大小         修改日期                                         文件(目录)                                   
   0       33.16MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Basic concepts(二).flv                                                      
   1       33.74MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Basic concepts(一).flv                                                      
   2       35.25MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  More applicantions of plasmas(二).flv                                       
   3       35.38MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  More applicantions of plasmas(一).flv                                       
   4       19.75MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  More on microplasma(二).flv                                                 
   5       33.81MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  More on microplasma(一).flv                                                 
   6       35.53MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Sheath Basics:formation and Bohm speed,the Global Model and EEDF(二).flv  
   7       36.42MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Sheath Basics:formation and Bohm speed,the Global Model and EEDF(三).flv  
   8       40.22MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Sheath Basics:formation and Bohm speed,the Global Model and EEDF(四).flv  
   9       38.87MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Sheath Basics:formation and Bohm speed,the Global Model and EEDF(一).flv  
  10       35.95MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Some discussions on flurescents light(二).flv                               
  11       35.25MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Some discussions on flurescents light(一).flv                               
  12       33.64MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Spectrometers light sources and detectors(二).flv                           
  13       37.27MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Spectrometers light sources and detectors(三).flv                           
  14       37.99MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Spectrometers light sources and detectors(四).flv                           
  15       33.15MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  Spectrometers light sources and detectors(一).flv                           
  16       31.42MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  等离子体物理(二).flv                                                        
  17       33.52MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  等离子体物理(三).flv                                                        
  18       29.28MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  等离子体物理(四).flv                                                        
  19       30.38MB  2019-04-13 13:12:34  等离子体物理(一).flv                                                        
      总: 679.99MB                       文件总数: 20, 目录总数: 0                                                     

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